(03228) 249443, 250971 director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

Established in September 1998; An institute under the aegis of Vidyasagar Society for Integrated Learning (VSIL)

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Entrepreneurship Idea Competition

Report on Entrepreneurship Idea Competition
Entrepreneurship Idea Competition
Organized by
Departmental Innovation Council
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
(NBA Accredited)
College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat


The Entrepreneurship Competition serves as a platform to highlight innovative business ideas and entrepreneurial talent. This report provides an overview of the competition, including its objectives, participant, evaluation criteria, and key outcomes.

Description of the event

A talk on entrepreneurship was organized on 14/08/2024 by Mr. Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay to inspire students to pursue entrepreneurship. Then, as part of the event, students were invited to submit a synopsis of their entrepreneurship proposals. Following this, they were asked to present their ideas for evaluation on 12/02/2025.

Details of Participants with Topics:
Participant NameTopic
Sirsha Karmakar & M. Raja SadhvikaMASTERCARE
Sudip Ghosh & Souvik BanerjeeTek Coding
Rupayan PanjaADDY_ Startup
Subhankar BoseImpactMedia
Puskar Kumar Prasad, Ranit Das & Pulagam AbhimanyuElectronics Service any Time
Arghya Das and M Hari KishoreNutriTrack proposal
Chinmoy GoswamiECO Friendly Subscription Box Business
Aditya BanerjeeFreedom
Saikat JanaSmartServeTech
Participant Name Description Rating (1-5)
1. Idea ClarityClear explanation of the business idea, its goals, and vision. 
2. Innovation & CreativityUniqueness of the idea and its ability to stand out in the market. 
3. Problem IdentificationClear identification of the problem the idea solves, and relevance to the target market. 
4. Market UnderstandingKnowledge of target audience, industry trends, and competition 
5. Feasibility & ViabilityPracticality of implementation and the potential for success 
6. Business ModelClear explanation of how the business will make money 
7. Presentation SkillsQuality of delivery: confidence, clarity, engagement, and professionalism 
8. Financial ProjectionsRealistic financial forecasts, including cost structure and revenue projections. 
9. Potential for Growth / ScalingAbility to scale the idea or adapt to changing market conditions. 
10. Social / Environmental ImpactPositive social or environmental impact of the business idea. 
Name and Affiliation of Experts:
  • Dr. Chinmoy Maity, Assistant Professor, CEMK
  • Dr. Alok Ranjan Pal, Assistant Professor, CEMK
  • Prof. Soumitra De, Assistant Professor, CEMK
Organizing Members:
  • Prof. Lipika Datta (Convenor)
  • Dr. Chinmoy Maity
  • Dr. Alok Ranjan Pal
  • Prof. Soumitra De
Nominated Top Teams Details:
  • Sudip Ghosh & Souvik Banerjee
  • Ankita Saha
  • Arghya Das & M Hari Kishore
Click here to view the complete report
Entrepreneurship Idea Competition
Entrepreneurship Idea Competition
Entrepreneurship Idea Competition

The Entrepreneurship Idea Competition organized by the CSE Department of College of Engineering and Management Kolaghat has successfully provided a platform for students to showcase their innovative ideas, entrepreneurial spirit, and problem-solving skills. This competition not only encouraged creativity but also fostered a sense of collaboration and teamwork among participants. The enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work exhibited by all the teams were truly inspiring, reflecting the bright future of entrepreneurship.


We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Director of College of Engineering and Management Kolaghat for for providing all types of facilities and resources for organizing this event. A special thank to TPO sir, the faculty members and the judges who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this event a success. Their unwavering support, guidance, and dedication made this event possible. We also appreciate the active participation of all the students who presented their ideas, as well as the audience for their encouragement and enthusiasm.

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College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

P.O. KTPP Township, Purba Medinipur,
Pin: 721171, West Bengal

(03228) 249443, 250971

director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

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