(03228) 249443, 250971 director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

Established in September 1998; An institute under the aegis of Vidyasagar Society for Integrated Learning (VSIL)

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H.O.D Dr. Anirban Das
E-Mail hodbs@cemk.ac.in
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Department of

Basic Science


Cover Image Basic Science

The department imparts knowledge of the basic science for an effective application of it in the domain of engineering disciplines. It also inculcates humanitarian values, environmental concern, managerial & communication skills, leading to overall Personality Development, required by the corporate and other relevant stakeholders. 

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College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

P.O. KTPP Township, Purba Medinipur,
Pin: 721171, West Bengal

(03228) 249443, 250971

director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

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