(03228) 249443, 250971 director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

Established in September 1998; An institute under the aegis of Vidyasagar Society for Integrated Learning (VSIL)

Admission Enquiry Faculty List Approval WBSCC Scheme R&D Cell IIC Fees Portal
Admission Enquiry

e-mail: admission@cemk.ac.in
web-portal: cemkadmission.in
Helpline: 033 6902 9851
Click here to know about WBSCC Scheme
Download Admission Brochure
Download Students Handbook

Interested candidates with requisite qualification may approach to college authority on any working day (Tuesday to Saturday) for admission enquiry. [Contact US] [How to Reach CEMK]

CEM Kolaghat offers a mix of diversified programs to the aspiring candidates to pursue their engineering career.


The College offers 4-year regular Bachelor of Technology degree programmes in the following disciplines:

Sl. No. Degree Course Name Approved Intake TFW
WBJEE (Gen. Cat.) WBJEE (SC Cat.) JEE (Main) Total
1UGComputer Science & Engineering [Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning](AIML)9612121206
2UGComputer Science & Engineering(CSE)192242424012
3UGElectronics & Communication Engineering(ECE)7299905
4UGElectrical Engineering(EE)4866603
5UGInformation Technology(IT)4866603
6UGMechanical Engineering(ME)2433302

All the programmes are duly approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and affiliated to the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, WB (MAKAUT) formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology.

Click here to view AICTE Approval for AY 2024-25

Fees Structure


Documents required at the time of Physical Admission:
  1. Original and two self-attested photo copies of provisional Admission letter/ Allotment Card downloaded from WBJEE portal.
  2. Original and two self-attested photo copies of WBJEE/ JEE Main Admit Card & Rank Card.
  3. Original and two self-attested photo copies of class 10th Admit Card/DOB Certificate for Age proof.
  4. Original and two self-attested photo copies of class 10th & 12th Mark Sheets for UG Candidates/ all semester Mark sheets for Lateral entry candidates/ all semester mark sheet for PG candidates.
  5. Original and two self-attested photo copies of class 12th Registration Card for UG Candidates/ Diploma Registration Card for Lateral entry candidates/ UG registration card for PG candidates.
  6. Original and two self-attested photo copies of Aadhaar Card.
  7. Original and one self-attested photo copy of Domicile Certificate. (Proforma a1)
  8. Cast Certificate (if any, Original & one self- attested photo copy).
  9. Income Certificate (if any, Original & one self- attested photo copy).
  10. Anti ragging Declaration form & one photo copy (Visit the link: https://antiragging.in/).
  11. Recent Eye Test Certificate (6/6 Vision) from Registered Medical Practitioner.(sample format)
  12. Report of Blood Group (Two photo copies).
  13. Recent original Medical Fitness Certificate from Registered Medical Practitioner.
  14. 03 copies of passport size and 02 copies of stamp size colored recent photographs.
Document Verification Guideline
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College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

P.O. KTPP Township, Purba Medinipur,
Pin: 721171, West Bengal

(03228) 249443, 250971

director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

Important Links

Copyright © CEM, Kolaghat. All Rights Reserved.