(03228) 249443, 250971 director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

Established in September 1998; An institute under the aegis of Vidyasagar Society for Integrated Learning (VSIL)

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Central Library


Salient Features

  • The college has an excellent air-conditioned open-access library where the students can directly choose their books from racks.
  • Sufficient number of text books and reference books about 32618 Volumes & 4905 Titles in different subjects/fields are available.
  • There is a good collection of Foreign journals (11 numbers hard bound), Indian journals (49 numbers), 13 numbers Technical magazines, Newspapers, CDs, Project Papers of senior students etc. so that both the students and faculty members are able to keep themselves abreast with the latest knowledge.
  • Our Library has subscribed to all IEEE & IEE Journals On-Line to facilitate our students to access all these journals.
  • The library is fully automated with Bar-coding facility.
  • Library software, LS-Ease (College edition of LIBSYS) with multi-user LAN version is in use.
  • There are computers, having the Internet connection for use by the students only.
  • The library remains open upto 8.30 pm. The students may fully utilize the library in a calm and peaceful environment.
  • Book Bank scheme is yet another facility for the students. In this scheme, students get 6 books extra (one text book in each subject in each semester as far as possible) upto 8th semester, besides the normal library facilities.
  • The library is also the member of DELNET (Developing Library Network, New Delhi). Through this network students and faculty members can get any kind of information regarding books, journal articles, thesis, etc of AICTE approved institutions including the location where the particular document exists. DELNET also provides various services by sending journal articles, books etc. by Inter Library Loan.

Number of Library books/Titles/Journals available

S.No Course(s) Number of titles of the books Number of volumes Journals Online Journals (IEL-online from Sept.'06)
1. Computer Science & IT 1090 8203 13
2. Electrical & Control Engg. 1047 5055 7
3. ECE and EIE 879 5597 5
4. Basic Science & Humanity 1341 9008 34
5. Mechanical Engg. 500 2520 3
6. Book Bank 176 11864
TOTAL 42247 62
Major Recruiters amazon tcs cognizant dcpl ibm infosys innofied inolyst interra itc lincoln electric lntinfotech logo macmet lnt mahindra rashmi scid unitedspirits videonetics wipro

College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

P.O. KTPP Township, Purba Medinipur,
Pin: 721171, West Bengal

(03228) 249443, 250971

director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

Important Links

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