(03228) 249443, 250971 director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

Established in September 1998; An institute under the aegis of Vidyasagar Society for Integrated Learning (VSIL)

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H.O.D Dr. Anirban Das
E-Mail hodbs@cemk.ac.in
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Department of

Basic Science

Department Laboratories

Engineering Chemistry Laboratory image


1. Conductometric titration:

  • (Determination of the strength of a given HCl solution by titration against a standard NaOH solution

2. pH-metric titration:

  • (Determination of the strength of a given HCl solution by titration against a standard NaOH solution)

3. Viscosity of solutions:

  • (Determination of percentage composition of sugar solution from viscosity)

4.Chemical kinetics:

  • (Determination of relative rates of reaction of iodide with H2O2 at room temperature[clock reaction] )

5. Acid-base titration:

  • (Estimation of commercial Caustic- soda using HCl solution by standardizing)

6. Complexometric titration:

  • (Estimation of hardness of water using EDTA titration)

7. Redox titration:

  • (Estimation of iron [Fe2+] using KMnO4 Solution by standardizing)

8. Heterogeneous Equilibrium:

  • (Determination of partition co-efficient of acetic acid between n-butanol and water using NaOH solution by standardizing)

Engineering Physics Laboratory image


GROUP-1 Experiments from H.S. knowledge of Physics

  1. Determination of thermal conductivity of a good conductor by Searle’s method.
  2. Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee’s & Chorlton’s method.
  3. Determination of dispersive power of the material of given Prism

GROUP-2 Experiments from Module 1 & 2

  1. Determination of Young’s modulus by Flexure method and calculation of Bending moment and Shear force at a point on the Beam.
  2. Determination of Modulus of Rigidity by Static/ Dynamic method.
  3. Determination of co-efficient of Viscosity by Poiseulli’s capillary flow method.

GROUP-3 Experiments from Module 3

  1. Determination of Dielectric constant of a given Dielectric material.
  2. Use of Carrey Foster’s bridge to determine Unknown Resistance.
  3. Determination of resistance of ballistic galvanometer by half deflection method And study of variation of Logarithmic decrement with series resistance.
  4. Determination of the thermo-electric power at a certain temperature of the given Thermocouple.
  5. Determination of specific charge (e/m) of electron by J. J. Thomson’s method.




1. Determination of wavelength of light by Newton’s ring method.
2. Determination of wavelength of light by Fresnel’s bi-prism method.
3. Determination of wavelength of light by Laser diffraction method.
4. Determination of numerical aperture and the energy losses related to optical fibre experiment.


5. Determination of Plank’s constant using Photocell.
6. Determination of Lande’g factor using Electron spin resonance spectrometer.
7. Determination of Stefan’s radiation constant.
8. To study Current- Voltage characteristic, Load response, areal characteristics and spectral response of photovoltaic solar cells.


9. Determination of Hall Co-efficient of semiconductors.
10. Determination of band-gap of semiconductors.
11. Determination of Rydberg constant by studying Hydrogen/ Helium spectrum.
12. Verification of Bohr’s atomic orbital theory through Frank-Hertz experiment.

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College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

P.O. KTPP Township, Purba Medinipur,
Pin: 721171, West Bengal

(03228) 249443, 250971

director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

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