(03228) 249443, 250971 director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

Established in September 1998; An institute under the aegis of Vidyasagar Society for Integrated Learning (VSIL)

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H.O.D Dr. Apurba Roy
E-Mail hodit@cemk.ac.in
Mobile +91 8509659575
Phone (03228)249772 Ext. 1509
Course(s) Offered
Type Name Duration Intake
UG B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering [Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning] 4 Years 120
UG B. Tech. in Information Technology 4 Years 60

Departmental Links

Department of

Information Technology & CSE(AIML)

Department Laboratories

Data Structure and Algorithm Lab image

Data Structure and Algorithm Lab

Objectives of this lab is to make clear concept on Algorithm and also to develop programming skill of the students by writing code in C to solve different numerical and Data structure problems 

The Lab consists of 30 numbers of high configuration Desktops. Processor :Intel® Core™ i5-4590, CPU@3.30GHz, Memory :4 GB, Hard Disk :1TB, LCD Projector, Printer 

Room No. W410
Technical Assistant: Mr. Partha Basuchowdhury

Multimedia and Graphics Lab image

Multimedia and Graphics Lab

The objective of the laboratory is to support research and education of departmental students in the fields of Multimedia Technology such as image editing, photo-retouching, web design etc. and also to make students aware of the concepts underlying modern Computer Graphics and Machine Vision, digital image synthesis techniques so that can apply it in various domains. The laboratory currently hosts Multimedia laboratory, Computer Graphics Laboratory, Internet Lab.

The laboratory has Client PCS with i3 and i5 processor, 4 GB RAM, 1 TB harddisk and 19" LCD Monitor, Printer,  Switch, Scanner, LCD Projector, Web Camera, Digital Camera, Camera Stand, Speaker.

Different software like DIRECTOR 8.5 ultimedia Shockwave Studio (for Windows) Commercial Pack DIRECTOR 8.5 Multimedia Shockwave Studio (for Windows) Academic License Pack, Web Design Studio (includes Flash 5.0, Dreamweaver 4.0, Fireworks 4.0, and Freehand 10.0) for Windows, Academic Pack Adobe Photoshop 6.0 (for Windows) Academic Pack Adobe Premier 6.0 (for Windows) Academic Pack) are also available.

Room No. S205
Ph: 03228 - 249444, 250972. Extension- 1216.
Technical Assistant: Mr. Biswajit Manna.

E-Commerce and Web Tech Lab image

E-Commerce and Web Tech Lab

The objective of this lab is to develop an ability within the students to design and implement static and dynamic web pages with good aesthetic sense of designing and latest technical know-hows so that a solid  grounding of Web Application Terminologies, Internet Tools, E – Commerce and other web services related technical skills can be developed. 

The laboratory has twenty four high end client PCs with I5  330 GHz Processor, 4 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD, 15" Color Monitor (LG).

Sun Java Web Server, Apache Tomcat, Internet Information Services (IIS), SQL Server software are used in this laboratory.


Room No. S203 (formerly 217A).
Ph: 03228 - 249444, 250972. Extension- 1218.
Technical Assistant: Mr. Partha Basu Chowdhury.

Networking and Operating System Lab image

Networking and Operating System Lab

Operating system and Networking laboratory first makes students familiarize with the architecture of Unix OS, develop skills to write programming with system call so that system level programming can be developed. Based on this knowledge next they develop programs related to network programming and network communication in different computer languages on various platforms. Network Lab also train to acquire skills of computer networking and introduce various network simulators. An emphasis has been given on practical approach to carry out networking experiments.

The laboratory has twenty four high end client PCs with Intel i3 and i5 processor, 4GB RAM, 500 GB/1 TB harddisk and  19" LCD Monitor,Printer, LCD Projector. The laboratory also has one Apple iMAC with following configuration: Processor: i5, RAM : 8GB, Hard Disk: 1TB, Monitor: Integrated


Room No. S204

Ph: 03228 - 249444, 250972. Extension- 1217.

Technical Assistant: Alok Maiti

Object Technology Lab image

Object Technology Lab

This lab reinforces understanding of basic object oriented programming concepts (objects, classes and subclasses, methods) and their expression in Java. Students are able to analyze and design a computer program to solve real world problems based on object-oriented principles and able to design simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) interfaces for a computer program to interact with users, and to understand the event-based GUI handling principles.

The laboratory has thirty high end client PCs with Intel i3 and i5 processor, 4GB RAM, 1 TB harddisk and 19" LCD Monitor,Printer, LCD Projector.


Room No. S207

Ph: 03228 - 249444, 250972. Extension- 1216.
Technical Assistant: Mr. Surajit Maity.

Database and Project Lab image

Database and Project Lab

Database Management System (DBMS) is a computer application software that provides way to manage data. The requirement of modern days is to have an automated system that manages, modifies and updates data accurately. This is achieved by a DBMS in robust, correct and non redundant way. DBMS lab aims at practicing and achieving this aim by using ORACLE Database Express Edition 11g. Students use SQL & PL/SQL to practice of various DDL, DCL and DML queries. Different Database Projects are also developed by the Students.

 PC configuration of this Lab: Processor :Intel® Core™ i5-4590, CPU@3.30GHz, Memory :4 GB, Hard Disk :1TB

This lab also contain LCD Projector, Printer etc.

Technical Assistant: Mr. Biswajit Manna. 

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College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

P.O. KTPP Township, Purba Medinipur,
Pin: 721171, West Bengal

(03228) 249443, 250971

director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

Important Links

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