(03228) 249443, 250971 director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

Established in September 1998; An institute under the aegis of Vidyasagar Society for Integrated Learning (VSIL)

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H.O.D Dr. Alok Ranjan Pal
E-Mail hodcse@cemk.ac.in
Mobile +91 8016400450
Phone (03228)250971 Ext. 3209
Course(s) Offered
Type Name Duration Intake
UG B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering 4 Years 240

Departmental Links

Department of

Computer Science & Engineering

Department Laboratories

Operating System Lab Room No. W301 image

Lab Incharge : Prof. Lipika Dutta

Technical Assistant : Ms. Mousumi Pal

Course Name : Operating System Lab (CSE students).

Course Code : PCC-CS592

The objective of the course :

1. Capability of programming and debugging C code at the system level
2. Ability to communicate directly with an operating system via system calls and signals
3. Ability to interact with the system via shell commands and shell programming
4. Ability to handle processes like forking processes, waiting for them to terminate, and getting information about them
5. Ability to handle files at system level

Description of the Operating System Laboratory :
30 client PC , Processor: Intel(R) Core TM i3 - 4150 GHz , RAM : 4 GB , 64 bit Operating System, DVD(RW) Drive, HDD: 1 TB
Projector is available : During Lab classes lecture is delivered through projector and the same note is shared with the students via Google classroom by the faculty so that students can go through the entire notes without missing a single word

Lab is Air conditioned

Computer Organization Lab Room No. W409 image

Room No. W409

Lab Incharge : Prof. Dilip Kumar Gayen

Technical Assistant : Ms. Mousumi Pal

Course Name : Computer Organization Laboratory( CSE students). Course Code : PCC-CS392 Credits : 2

  1. Understanding the behavior of Logic Gates, Adders, Decoders, Multiplexers and Flip-Flops.
  2. Understanding the behavior of ALU, RAM

 Description of the Computer Organization Lab:

  1. Analog/Digital Trainer Kits with logic in-out probes;
  2. Extension Modules for working with large data set;
  3. Equipped with Digital IC Tester for IC-chip testing;
  4. Digital Multi-meter for multiple measurement;
  5. 8085 µP kit for assembly language programming;
  6. Appended with function and pulse generators;

Lab is Air conditioned



Course Name: Computer Network Lab, Course Code: CS692

Computer Description: processor-Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 4150 CPU@3.50GHz

RAM-4GB DDR3,HDD-1TB, OS Type-64bit, OS-Ubuntu 20.04.5LTS

DVD ROM, ACER Monitor(19inch)

No of Computer: 35pcs Printer: HP LaserJet, Scanner: Cannon

Lab Incharge- Dr. Suman Bhowmik

Technical Assistant - Swadesh Ranjan Maji

PPS and OOT Lab ROOM NO-W303 image


Course Name: PPS Lab, Course code: ESCS291

Course Name: OOPS Lab, Course code: PCC-CS593

Computer Description:processor-Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 4150 CPU@3.50GHz

RAM-4GB DDR3,HDD-1TB, OS Type-64bit, OS-Ubuntu 20.04.5LTS

DVD ROM, ACER Monitor(19")

No of Computer: 26, Printer: 01

Data Structure and Algorithm Laboratory Room No -W-302 image

Room No -W-302

Lab Incharge-Chinmoy Maiti

Technical Assistant - Sambhu Nath Maity

Course Name : DAA(Course Code: PCC-CS494) Even Semester,

Course Name : DSA(Course Code: PCC-CS391) Odd Semester,

Number Of Computer : 34,

Configiration of Desktop : Processor : Intel Corei3-2120 :3.3GHz,

 Momory : 4GB  DDR3 1600MHz   HDD :   500 GB,

 Monitor :  18.5 inch LED or higher,  Keyboard: USB or PS/2

All M/c are connected Campus network,

Laboratories are well furnished and air conditioned

Lab Image


Lab Incharge: Prof. Sushovan Das

Technical Assistant: Dulal Maji,Manash Kr. Routh,Sambhu Nath Maity

Course Name: PPS Lab, Course code: ESCS291

OS Type :64-Bit,OS-Ubuntu 20.04.5LTS

Computer Description: processor-12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 12400*12


Dell Monitor(19"),LG Monitor(19")

No of Computer: 32.

Lab Image

Room No. W307A

Lab Incharge : Prof. Tapas Kumar Maiti

Technical Assistant : Subhasis Maiti

Course Name :  COA Lab (Odd sem) code: PCC-CS392

Course Name: CA Lab (even Sem) code: PCC-CS492

OS Type :64-Bit,OS-Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS

Computer Description: processor- Intel(R) Core: i5


HP LCD Monitor(19"), Acer LCD Monitor(19")

Computers are connected through LAN network with ethernet.

Laboratory is well furnished and air conditioned.

Lab Image

Room No. W307B

Lab Incharge : Prof. Kaushik Sinha; Prof. Poulami Mishra

Technical Assistant : Sambhu Nath Maity, Dulal Maji, Subhasis Maiti

Course Name :  Python,  OOP(Odd Sem) Code: PCC-CS593                                                                          

Course Name : Network (Even Sem) Code:PCC-CS692

OS Type :64-Bit,OS-Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS

Computer Description: processor- Intel(R) Dual Core 2

RAM-4GB,HDD-250 GB, 19" LCD LG Monitor

No of Computer: 14

Laboratory is well furnished and air conditioned

DBMS and Software Engineering Lab: Room No. W304 image

Room No. W304

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College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat

P.O. KTPP Township, Purba Medinipur,
Pin: 721171, West Bengal

(03228) 249443, 250971

director@cemk.ac.in, registrar@cemk.ac.in

Important Links

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