Established in September 1998; An institute under the aegis of Vidyasagar Society for Integrated Learning (VSIL)
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H.O.D | Dr. Anirban Das |
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Mobile | +91 - |
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Departmental Links
1. I have Completed PhD (Sc.) in High Energy Physics Division, Department of Physics, and Jadavpur University on 20.02.2014. The title of the thesis is “NONLINEAR EXCITATIONS IN CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM PLASMAS”.
1. A national Workshop on “Fluid Dynamics (WFD 04)” at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics Block A4 Sector 1 Salt lake Kolkata-64 on 16th -17th September 2004, Organized by Indian Physics Association (Calcutta Chapter) and Kalpana Chawla Centre for Space and nano Sciences.
2. A national workshop on “Basics of Computational Fluid Dynamics: Engineering Analysis and Applications (NWCFD’ 08)” from 11th -13th January 2008, at CEM, Kolaghat.
3. A national workshop on “Emerging Areas in Mathematics with Applications to Science and Engineering, (EAMASE’09).” on 21st and 22nd December, 2009 at CEM, Kolaghat.
4. A national workshop on “Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow: The Finite Volume Method. (CHTFFFVM)” on 27th October, 2013 at CEM, Kolaghat.
5. A national workshop on “Facing Challenges of English Language Teaching in Engineering Colleges.” on 25th August, 2013 at CEM, Kolaghat.
6. A national workshop on “Computational Tools for Engineers (NWCTE).” on 27th and 28th July, 2013 at CEM, Kolaghat.
7. A national workshop on “Applied Optimization.” on 29th and 30th June, 2013 at CEM, Kolaghat.
8. A national workshop on “VLSI, Communications and Signal Processing Design and Implementation.” on 17th to 23rd June, 2013 at CEM, Kolaghat.
9. A Two-week ISTE workshop on “Signals & Systems.” Conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur from 2nd to 12th January, 2014 at CEM, Kolaghat. This workshop was held under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD).
10. A national workshop on “Near Field Communication, Electronics and Computational Intelligence (NFCECI-2014).” Under TEQIP-II from 11th to 13th April, 2014 at CEM, Kolaghat.
11. A Webinar on NIRF Ranking on 11th July 2020” at CEM, Kolaghat.
12. A one day International Webinar entitled “Recent Trends in Mathematics and Its Application in Computer Science “ on 9th August, 2020, jointly organized by the Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science in association with IQAC, Shyampur Siddheswari Mahavidyalaya, Ajodhya, Howrah.
13. A Five Day National Webseries on "Become Your Own Masterpiece" organized by Value Education Cell, BBDNIIT in association with the Heartfulness Education Trust from August 25-29, 2020.
14. A Webinar on “Implementation of National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020)” On Thursday, 25th March 2021 at CEM, Kolaghat.
15 A Webinar on “Improvement of Teaching & Learning Process on Monday, 21 June 2021” at CEM, Kolaghat.
1. I have organized a Subject area Training Programme on “Engineering Mathematics Teaching” Under TEQIP-II on 10th July, 2013 at CEMK.
2. I have organized a National workshop on “Various Aspects of Engineering Mathematics and Quantum Physics (NWVAEMQP-2013)” Under TEQIP-II on 23rd and 24th December, 2013 at CEMK.
1. A National Seminar on “Mathematics & Applications” on 28th to 29th March, 2012 at the University of Burdwan.
2. A Faculty & Staff Development Programme on “Hardware Software Co-Design and its Application in VLSI & Embedded System.” on 23rd February, 2013 at CEMK.
3. A subject area Training Programme on “English Language Teaching.” on 26th June, 2013 at CEMK.
4. The “MATLAB” Orientation Course organized at College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat from 8th to 14th September, 2013 with Honors Distinction with the collaboration with IIT, Kharagpur.
5. A “Faculty Development Programme” under TEQIP-II on 2nd February, 2013 at CEMK.
6. A short term course on “Advances in Robotics & Mechatronics-Multidisciplinary system Engineering” on 23rd to 29th June, 2013 at CEMK.
7. A short term course on “Soft Computational Techniques-Applications to Engineering Disciplines” on 13th to 18th January, 2014 at CEMK.
8. A “Faculty Development Programme for Effective Teaching (Pedagogy Training)” under TEQIP-II on 24th to 26th , September, 2014 at IIT, Khragpur.
9. A Five days AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL)Academy Online FDP on "Artificial Intelligence" from 2020-8-31 to 2020-9-4 at College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat.
10. A five days AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Novel Materials" from 2021-1-22 to 2021-1-26 at College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat.
11. A Five Days “National Faculty Development Programme” On “Recent Advancement in Electrical Engineering”, jointly organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Haldia Institute of Technology, & Institution of Engineers (India), held during 19th – 23rd August, 2022.
12. A AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Blended Hybrid “Faculty Development Programme on “nnovative micro- and nano-technologies and fundamental principles"” at HALDIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY from 2022-11-14-2022-11-19 to 2022-11-21-2022-11-25.
13. A AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy “Faculty Development Programme on “Application developments in the Lab on a Chip technology for Fluid and Thermal Sciences” at HALDIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY from 29/01/2024 to 03/02/2024.
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